To Contribute

Welcome to the Outrage! blog.

You'll find all of our published articles on here, as well as the occasional music that will also be uploaded.

If you have something to contribute an article, a review, whatever. Or if you just want to send us over at Outrage! some hate mail then shoot us a letter at we check it often, and will get back to you quickly.

Outrage! Team

Friday, April 17, 2009

Teens Changing The World

A new organization around the Kona scene.
Promoting peace and all that. We will be organizing a graffiti campaign soon as well as free art campaigns, blogs, articles all that fun stuff. We especially encourage artists and graphic designers to join up and help us with our campaign in your area.

If you have a myspace, I encourage you to join up, start some activism shit in your area. That'd be cool.

Teens Changing the World

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