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Welcome to the Outrage! blog.

You'll find all of our published articles on here, as well as the occasional music that will also be uploaded.

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Outrage! Team

Friday, December 19, 2008

Outrage! News!

Some of you might know that I've been emailing Mitch Clem the creator of Nothing Nice To Say the world's first online punk comic. I've been trying to get his permission to publish his comics in the zine. I wouldn't feel right morally or legally to do so without his permission.

Well I tried a second time to get his permission, this time I got a reply:
So long as I get credit/links for everything that is mine and you don't alter anything I did, then go crazy!

So yeah. I'm stoked and Mitch Clem is cooler than I previously thought. I've talked to him before and he's a super nice guy, this just brings up his level in my book. So that's cool.

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